Sunday, October 18, 2015


Welcome to the ...
                    ... Dashboard Reporting in Excel

Every business will benefit from implementing processes that provide information on performance that can be easily evaluated to identify areas for improvement, risks and trends. One method of providing such information is dashboard reporting.

The term dashboard originates from the automobile dashboard where drivers monitor the major functions at a glance via the instrument cluster. 

Dashboards often provide at-a-glance views of KPIs (key performance indicators) relevant to a particular objective or business process (e.g. sales, marketing, human resources, or production).  

They typically are limited to show summaries, key trends, comparisons, and exceptions. 

It give signs about a business letting the user know something is wrong or something is right. 
The corporate world has tried for years to come up with a solution that would tell them if their business needed maintenance or if the temperature of their business was running above normal. Dashboards

Dashboards provides ...

    * Visual presentation of performance measures
    * Ability to identify and correct negative trends
    * Measure efficiencies/inefficiencies
    * To generate detailed reports showing new trends
    * To make more informed decisions based on collected business intelligence
    * Align strategies and organizational goals
    * Saves time compared to running multiple reports
    * Gain total visibility of all systems instantly
    * Quick identification of data outliers and correlations

 SAVE your TIME &
 let speak KPIs of your Business...


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